Saturday, January 8, 2011

Give Them Hell

That is, give your characters hell. Don't take them for a joyride. Unless it's an adventure you're writing. I find this difficult because I like the characters and because I'm in their heads. And giving them hell is a bit like exposing myself to terrible things. I've got a post-it-note on the computer with HELL written on it. It's still difficult. But I'm getting better at it.
Today I'm putting my main character in a plastic bag, destined to be dumped in the ocean, so I have to imagine what that would be like. It's very tempting to watch some television instead. Or even do the dishes. Should sort out the laundry too. Put the shirts on hangers and the sweaters in the drawer, and pair up the socks. 
Pair up socks? 
No I'd rather be forced into a plastic bag by a couple of lobotomized  cops...

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